1306 Selkirk Dr.
Golden, BC
V0A 1H6, Golden, BC, Canada

Contact Us
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- Follow Trans Canada Highway west to Golden
- Turn left from Trans Canada highway onto highway 95
- Follow exit around and veer right onto 10th Ave N
- Follow 10th Ave N through town
- Turn left at the second light onto 9th St S
- Turn right at 14th Ave S
- Follow 14th Ave S, up the hill
- First street on your right is Selkirk Dr.
- Turn right and stay right. 3rd house on your left.
- Auberge Kicking Horse B&B is at 1306 Selkirk Dr.
- Follow Trans Canada Highway east to Golden
- Turn right from Trans Canada highway onto highway 95
- Follow exit around and veer right onto 10th Ave N
- Follow 10th Ave N through town
- Turn left at the second light onto 9th St S
- Turn right at 14th Ave S
- Follow 14th Ave S up the hill and around the bend
- First street on your right, Selkirk Dr.
- Turn right and stay right. 3rd house on your left.
- Auberge Kicking Horse B&B at 1306 Selkirk Dr.
- Follow Highway 95 into town
- Turn right at the first light onto 9th St S
- Turn right at 14th Ave S
- Follow 14th Ave S up the hill and around the bend
- First street on your right, Selkirk Dr.
- Turn right and stay right. 3rd house on your left.
- Auberge Kicking Horse B&B is at 1306 Selkirk Dr.